The Who‘s long-awaited Keith Moon biopic, tentatively titled The Real Me, will begin filming in June, according to Variety. The film, which is being executive produced by Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, and the Who’s longtime manager Bill Curbishley, will be directed by Paul Whittington — best known for The Crown and White House Farm, with the script by noted British screenwriter Jeff Pope, who snagged an Oscar-nom for Philomena.
White Horse Pictures, led by Nigel Sinclair and Guy East, will produce the feature, following their work on such acclaimed recent rock docs as Martin Scorsese‘s George Harrison: Living In The Material World, and Ron Howard’s Beatles documentary Eight Days A Week: The Touring Years.
Keith Moon died on September 7th, 1978 at age 32. Moon’s death, which was ruled accidental, was caused by an overdose of Heminevrin, a medication prescribed to help alleviate alcohol withdrawals, mixed with alcohol.
INTERNET COMMENTS via – agree or disagree???
John Cremer wrote: “Oh Please Don’t! Just leave all of those interviews that we have all seen (or very much like) at the door. Otherwise it is in grave danger of becoming a vanity piece. I believe it is more difficult for close band mates to be objective, and that a fictional portrayal by a real storyteller is a better way for audiences to know Moon. For purposes of comparison of the ‘fictional portrayal’ being more successful at telling an artist’s story look at Cameron Crow’s ALMOST FAMOUS. How much more enjoyable and insightful is watching that movie than some tired documentary consisting of interviews with Lester Bangs, Jan (sic) Wenner, Rolling Stone colleagues, members of CSN&Y, other musicians from Bands of the Era, (all old now), etc. That would be DOA compared to the joyful and vivid ALMOST FAMOUS. Mooney deserves better!”
- Apart from his acrobatic drumming, Keith Moon has gone on to be remembered as one of Britain’s quickest wits, often adapting new and off-beat personas, and was known to dress up in character for days on end. Friends were used to watching Moon enjoy a night out on the town dressed as a World War One pilot, a clown, Marilyn Monroe, a nun, Dracula, Adolph Hitler, a gangster, Julius Caesar, a pirate — or more often than not — completely nude.
- The long-awaited Moon biopic, originally titled See Me Feel Me: Keith Moon Naked For Your Pleasure, has been in development for over a decade now.
- Several years back, at the request of Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey, Mike Myers said he’ll portray Moon. Recently, Entourage star Jeremy Piven has publicly stated that he’s very interested in playing Moon on the big screen.
CHECK IT OUT: The Who on December 10th, 1968 performing “A Quick One While He’s Away” live at The Rolling Stones’ Rock And Roll Circus: