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Many people have been in the shower when that brilliant, light bulb moment suddenly strikes! It can seem like a strange place to have great ideas, but researchers say “shower thoughts” are pretty common. So, why do so many people get a spark of creativity while washing up? While previous research has suggested that people get more creative when their mind wanders, a new study finds that those mindless tasks (like showering) aren’t so mindless after all. Study authors say the mind actually works better when there’s a moderate level of engagement. Simply put, doing something that’s truly “boring” and doesn’t require any thought does not spark more creativity than a simple task which requires a small amount of the person’s attention. “Say you’re stuck on a problem,” says Zac Irving, a University of Virginia assistant professor of philosophy, in a media release. “What do you do? Probably not something mind-numbingly boring like watching paint dry. Instead, you do something to occupy yourself, like going for a walk, gardening, or taking a shower. All these activities are moderately engaging.”