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What would you do if you won the lottery? People dream of boasting about their achievements, quitting their job, buying a dream house, or moving out of the country. However, a new survey finds people really do act differently when money is involved, but not the way you may think. In fact, 83 percent would never tell a soul about their winnings! A survey of over 1,100 people, commissioned by Play Pennsylvania, looked at people’s lottery playing habits and how they would react to hitting the jackpot. When it comes to how often people play the lottery, only one percent play every day, while 20 percent claim they’ve never bought a ticket. Although, when the Mega Millions reaches an all-time high, two out of five say they will play the lottery. While there is no perfect strategy to win, people tend to rely on similar strategies to pick their numbers. For example, survey respondents reported using a lucky number, a birthday, or an anniversary date when filling out their tickets. However, the top way is still just picking random numbers.