I love an interesting fact, and one of the most interesting—and weirdest—I’ve heard in a while comes from Redditor “kiwi2703”. They decided to get creative with some calculations and answer a question you might never have asked yourself—if you blended up all the humans in the world, how big would the resulting ball of goo be? Yes, this sounds weird, but interestingly, the human goo ball isn’t as big as you might think. Taking into account a worldwide population of 7.88 billion people, a human density of about 61.5 lb/ft3, and an average human weight of almost 137 lbs, the human goo sphere is about 0.62 miles wide. That’s a meatball that is about 2/3 of a mile wide or the equivalent of 3 Eiffel Towers. Or, as “kiwi2703” showed in a clever visualization, the sphere would fit quite easily inside Central Park. Though the idea of a human meatball is a bit gross, the exercise itself is pretty interesting. For as much change as humanity brings to the planet, we are actually a very small part of it. This isn’t the first time that someone has been curious about the space that humans take up on Earth. In 2015, it was shown that the world’s population—at the time 7.3 billion humans—could all fit inside New York City.
@hankgreen1 Thank you to Reddit user kiwi2703 for this cursed image. #learnontiktok #tiktokpartner #askhank ♬ original sound – Hank Green