(Credit: Gustavo Fring from Pexels)

When deciding what to get your mom for Mother’s Day this weekend, a new poll suggests it depends on what kind of mother she is overall. The OnePoll survey of 2,000 adults found that “Foodie moms” would, unsurprisingly, like edible gifts (29 percent), but would also like a getaway or gift card (27 percent). Sports “soccer moms” prefer homemade gifts (31 percent) or household gifts (29 percent). “Wine moms” like heartfelt homemade gifts (35 percent) or ones they can eat (27 percent). Among some of the best Mother’s Day gift they remember receiving, named were things like having the house cleaned and dinner made, a handwritten poem, and a vase with porcelain roses. At the same time, 62 percent admitted to pretending to like a gift in the past, such as a plant, mud flaps for their car, or dish towels.

  • How well do you think you know what Mother’s Day gift your mom would like? 
  • What do you think of this idea that certain kinds of mothers like certain kinds of gifts? 
  • If you’re a mom, what’s the best Mother’s Day gift you ever got? What about the worst? 
  • What kind of Mother’s Day gifts do you like getting?