(Photo by David Travis on Unsplash)

What would you miss looking at the most if you lost your vision? According to a survey of 2,000 Americans, respondents say they’d miss seeing their children’s milestones (26%), scenes of nature (23%), their pets (22%), and their favorite TV shows and movies (15%). When asked which of the five senses are the most important to them, vision tops the list with 77 percent of the votes. The other senses, such as hearing (14%), touching (6%), smelling (2%), and tasting (1%), trailed extremely far behind. With that in mind, it’s no surprise that 65 percent wish they took better care of their eyes, while another 58 percent feel they take their vision for granted. Conducted by OnePoll for NVISION, the study also found that the average person first begins to worry about their vision at 39 years-old. Although 48 percent of respondents rate their eyesight as “good,” most find it “easy” to take care of their eyes (62%), because they care about their vision (69%), go to a good eye doctor (51%), and follow a daily routine (48%).