RTC to honor family members with ribbon cutting ceremony
Oct 26, 2023

By Dom Reed

It all started in 1975 Richard Alexander decided to create an auction company the auction business still lives on to this day. Following the passing of Richard Alexander. His two sons Tim ,Caleb followed his legacy in honor of his father the auction company was then named RTC auction services.

In his fathers memory, the two sons named it RTC in honor of his father which stands for Richard,Timothy and Caleb.

This Time We honor Both Richard and Carol L Alexander,  the wife of Tim Alexander.

“Carol left us on September 3 2023 following her passing her smile her laughter and her kind and loving heart will be missed,” said Alexander. “She was heavily involved in the auction business she was in the auction field for 30 years.”

In Memory, a new auction house arena was formed and the business will continue to grow. It has already expanded. Dean A Little of D.A.L. Auctions,LLC has partnered with RTC.

Tim Alexander’s very first auction was in 1988. Alexander has had so much success in the business and there’s so much more to come.

“We are only getting started in the new journey. The new auction house arena will have its grand opening on  Saturday November 4th at 8:30 am. The ribbon cutting ceremony will take place at 8:30  At 9:00 in the morning the first auction will begin,” said Alexander. “It will be a full month of fun you won’t want to miss out 10,11,18 of November there will be auctions.

Don’t miss out in the spring we will honor Carol with sales that includes farm equipment, consultant, real estate house holds sales.”

RTC covers all of Central Pa you can find RTC on Facebook and auction zip.

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