One on one interview with HWF Wrestler Ed House
Feb 2, 2025

By Joshua Yoder

LEWISTOWN – Hello everybody! We have returned with a new exciting interview with local athletes. Today, I got to sit down with a long time favorite within the Mifflin County area and his name is Ed House. Get to know one of the top wrestlers who has ever come down the pipe. Hope you all enjoy it!

JY: Who inspired you to get into pro wrestling and why?

EH: Triple H. I saw him come through the crowd and kick Ken Shamrock in the head and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world.

JY: What was your first match like?

EH: Three way tag, 2 on 2 on 2. It was a disaster!

JY: What has been your favorite moment in wrestling so far?

EH: Any time I get to perform in front of my friends and family.

JY: What do you love most about pro wrestling?

EH: Having the crowd react after I take a bump.

JY: Any advice for someone looking to get into wrestling?

EH: Don’t! Just kidding. Take care of your body. Eat, Train!

That was my interview with Ed House. I hope you all enjoyed it. I personally would like to thank Ed for taking the time to answer my questions. But fear not wrestling fans! There will be more to come in the future.

Until Next Time!

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