One on One: Interview with Bald Eagle Area swimmer Alaina Cane
Feb 22, 2023

Editor’s note: Recently, Hometown Sports Correspondent Tara L Jackson interviewed Bald Eagle Area swimmer Alaina Cane, the only swimmer to ever represent Bald Eagle Area.

HS: How long have you been swimming on a competitive level?

AC: I have been swimming competitively since I was 7 years old!

HD: What is one piece of advice you’d like to offer younger athletes

AC: If you feel the love for your sport, then cherish it and keep going. Make as many memories as you can and have fun!


HC: Who is someone you look up to? 

AC: My mother. She is one of the most resilient, hardworking, and real person I know. She has been with me through the ups and downs and I can’t even begin to express how much I love and appreciate her.


HS: What are your goals you would like to accomplish for your senior year when it comes to swimming? 

AC:I just wanna go out with a bang this year. Taking a year off did bring down my physical performance, but I have been able to strengthen myself mentally and I feel like that has given me more motivation to finish off my senior year in the best way I can.


HS: Which strengths do you believe you have that make you a great athlete?

AC: I am very stubborn for sure. When I want something, I will find ways to get it. Do I have the greatest work ethic at this moment? no. But I have worked and am still working to build that and make it a strength to make me a better athlete


HS: What are your plans after high school?

AC: I am going to attend Lock Haven University and work on becoming a Physician Assistant!


HS: Is there a coach or someone special in your life, who has gone above and beyond and pushed you more than anyone? 

AC: As I mentioned before, my mother has done so much for me and I have so much appreciation for that. In addition to her, My YMCA coach Mark has pushed me to become that best version of me. He has helped me talk through hard decisions for swimming and always shares his wisdom to help better not just me but my YMCA team as well


HS: Do you have any personal swimming records you would like to accomplish?  Do you plan to swim at the collegiate level?  

AC: Like I said, I’m just trying to go out with a bang. I will not be swimming at the collegiate level. I just want to focus on schooling after this year and build up for a good future


HS: What was your greatest moment in your swimming career thus far?

AC: It will forever be winning my first district title in ninth grade. I never thought I would be able to get to that point, but I proved to myself I could


HS: How does it feel to be the ONLY swimmer that has represented Bald Eagle Area?  Are you the first ever swimmer to represent them?

AC: It’s a bittersweet thing. I don’t really do well with being around people for certain periods of time, so the aspect of working by myself isn’t too bad for me. I will say that not having a team to scream at me while I do a turn at the wall can get me down sometimes. Seeing everyone has that support while you’re basically on your own teammate wise isn’t always fun.

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