MC Girls XC split at Carlisle
Sep 27, 2022
Photo Credits Alan Kratzer, Amilia Coffey, Addie Parson and  Adeline Leason

The Mifflin County Girls Cross Country traveled to the Carlisle High School course for the second time since Saturday to face off against two strong teams, Carlisle and Cumberland Valley. They knew that particularly with Carlisle the meet would be close and tightly contested. The girls were coming off a super weekend at the Carlisle Invitational which bolstered the confidence they needed to go after the competition.

“ I told them that every position was going to matter and that they needed to go after it,” said MIfflin County coach Neil Breneman.

The team ran hard and walked away victoriously defeating Carlisle 26-29. The Cumberland Valley team was a little too strong, defeating MC 20-39.

The front trio, Adeline Leason (20:44), Addie Parson (20:58), and Amilia Coffey (21:33) was the key to setting up the win when they secured the 2, 3, and 4 scoring positions. Securing those spots made it hard for Carlisle to recover. Although Carlilsle then took the 5, 6, and 7 positions, Ava Harris (23:03) and Justice Sheaffer (23:10) sealed the victory taking the remaining positions before Carlisle’s fifth runner. “It played out about exactly how I thought it would; super close! The girls knew what they needed to do and they got the job done,” said Breneman. “I couldn’t be more proud of them.”

Going into the meet many of them had eyes on their times from Saturday.

I tried to preface the race saying that to get the same kinds of times as the invitational would be difficult. They sat through school all day, are still recovering from a busy weekend, and there isn’t near the competition running around them. Some of them completely proved me wrong by running nearly identical times,” said Breneman. “Amilia ran another PR dropping 15 seconds off her time from Saturday. Adeline’s time was identical to Saturday and Ava Harris, Sarah Diehl, and Audrey Adams all ran season bests.”

The team now gets a one week break from racing before heading to Altoona on Wednesday, October 5 for their next meet. This will provide much needed time for some recovery as well as get a quality workout or two in to prepare them for championship season that is approaching quickly.

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