MC boys lacrosse wins in Senior Night Delight
Apr 17, 2022

Mifflin County Boys Lacrosse celebrated its Senior Recognition Day this past Saturday with a 13-5 defeat of visiting Mifflinburg.  The Husky offense was powered by five separate goal scorers.

  Kyler Everly led the scoring with four goals, Tanner Ferguson and Alex Kline chipped in three apiece, Cameron Barben added two and Lucas Sheetz put in one.  The scoring was supported  by four assists each from Cameron Barben and Tanner Ferguson, two assists by Alex Kline, and one assist apiece added by Jacob Underhill and Kyler Everly.  Keeper Aidan Berich recorded 5 saves , and Kyler Everly won 16 Face Offs out of 22 attempts.  The Huskies travel to Selinsgrove this Wednesday for an evening game

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