A lot of people whose job allowed them to work from home during the pandemic liked it and there’s been lots of talk of it becoming a permanent shift in how we work for people with those kind of jobs to work at least some days from home in more flexible arrangements. But a new report out yesterday (July 26th) suggests working from home may not be all it’s been cracked up to be when it comes to people’s careers. The report from the Society for Human Resource Management found that nearly 60 percent of workers said that permanently working from home would reduce their networking opportunities, 55 percent said it causes work relationships to suffer, and more than than two-thirds of managers, 67 percent, said they consider remote workers “more easily replaceable” than those who come in to the office. Along those lines, 42 percent of supervisors said they “sometimes forget about remote workers” when they’re assigning tasks. At the same time, a separate survey from researchers at the University of Chicago’s Becker Friedman Institute for Economics found that 40 percent of workers said they’d start looking for another job if their employer required them to go back to the office full-time.