Farmer Winter Meeting

Farmer Winter Meeting

The Snyder County Conservation District will be holding its annual Farmer Winter Meeting on Friday, February 14th. The meeting will be at Christ Community United Methodist Church, 3939 Park Road in Selinsgrove. Doors open at 8:30 am and the meeting is from 9:00 a.m....
Farmer Winter Meeting

YMCA Marianna Subs & Pizza Fundraiser

The Juniata Valley YMCA is selling Marianna Subs and Pizzas for the 14th annual polar plunge which benefits the YMCAs youth programs and events. All subs and pizzas are $10 each. The deadline to order is Monday, January 20th and pickup will be at the YMCA on Thursday,...
Farmer Winter Meeting

Old Timer’s Breakfast

City Hook and Ladder #14 on Valley Street in Lewistown will be having an old timer’s breakfast on Saturday, February 22nd from 8:30am to 11am. If you’re an old timer of the MC Fire or EMS Service past or present you’re invited. Come share stories and...
Farmer Winter Meeting

Nova 301 Trial

Join the Nova 301 Trial-A Clinical Trial evaluating an investigational vaccine for norovirus, sometimes called the stomach bug. Norovirus may be the furthest thing from your mind but this contagious illness can spread quickly through everyday social interactions. If...
Farmer Winter Meeting

Mifflin County Comprehensive Survey

The MC Planning Department is leading the process of updating the county comprehensive plan and needs your help. The survey will go over housing, transportation, future land use, economic development and more. Public input is an essential component for developing a...
Farmer Winter Meeting

Night at the Races

The United Way of Mifflin-Juniata is hosting a Night at the Races on Saturday, January 25th with Jason Christopher at the Kish Innovation Center. Dinner will begin at 6pm and the race starts at 7pm. Grab some friends and join the fun! Dinner will be by Mel’s...