Brother versus Brother? Silks cheap shots brother in HWF Nightmare in the colosseum
Oct 30, 2022

Photo courtesy of HWF
By Josh Yoder
LEWISTOWN — With it being the Halloween season, the folks of Lewistown were given a special treat as the stars of HWF bring another night of exciting wrestling action back to the HWF Colosseum.
The show began with a very angry RD Mosh who along with the Pit Chick stormed the ring with his megaphone showcasing his disgust about not being a part of the show.
Mosh demanded a match, but quickly turned his attention to the camera man who was also a HWF trainee named Jason and assaulted him.
Things could have gotten worse if not for the President of Wrestling Phil Stamper intervening and preventing more harm to Jason.
Stamper than decided to make a match between Mosh and Jason and had the bell rang. During the match, the experience between the two wrestlers was on display with Mosh getting the advantage.
However Jason surprised Mosh with a fury of punches that rocked Mosh. But ultimately it was the more experienced Mosh who came out on top.
The follow contest was for the HWF Xtream Heavyweight Championship as Andrew Loveless challenged the champion Edward James.
The match itself was a great showcase of technical skill between the two combatants. If you blinked, you would have missed out on a reversal.
Multiple times in the match Loveless had the advantage, and then all of a sudden, it was James who was on top.
At the end of the match, Loveless had James in a submission hold looking to tap out the champion. However, James managed to roll up Loveless and to collect the pinfall victory.
After the match, someone ran from the crowd into the ring dressed up as Ghostface and began to attack Loveless with a baseball bat.
James jumped back into the ring and looked as though he was going to join in on the action against Loveless. But to the delight of the HWF fans quickly turned the bat around and saved Loveless from anymore damaged. The two wrestlers than shook hands out of respect for an incredible match.
From technical to high energy as the next match was Wildman Robbie Paige against Aaron Conners. Both wrestlers were going out it in a very up tempo match.
At one point in the match, Conners became very upset with the official believing that she was too slow on the count and began berating her. That turned out to be his undoing as Paige got back up and hammered Conners with a reverse roundhouse kick to the jaw to pick up the win.
During intermission, Steve Steel made his return to the ring being wheel chaired around by Captain D Capitate to say hello to the fans. He even surprised the fans by standing up and getting in the ring.
However, that was not the only surprise of the night as Steel quickly turned on the fans, berating them saying how no one was there for him when he was recovering from his stroke. And now will only be focusing on himself.
After the brief intermission, David Hetfield along with Robert Wright went one on one with The Kai-Ju of the Square Circle Am-Po. Unfortunately, the match was thrown out due to the two on one assault by the Regulators on Am-Po. But fortunately for Po, his friend the Unorthodox Las-Tat came to his aid and Stamper turned it into a tag-team match.
But despite their best efforts, the Collective just could not overcome the power of Hetfield and Wright as the Regulators came out victorious.
The next match was one of the most hard hitting matches in HWF to date, as Rayic Scott took on the Titan James Ford.
These two giants were giving one another their best shots, even to the point where both competitors were even enjoying it. But in the end, it was Ford who got the job done and got the one, two, and three. Afterwards, it looked as though Scott was going to celebrate in the ring with Ford and often up his flask to Ford. But it was only a trick as Scott dropped Ford with his flask and walked out of the ring.
Then in the main event, in one of the most anticipated matches in HWF history as the HWF heavyweight champion Matt “TRK” Silks was challenged the Postman Vam Williams. There was plenty of heat going into the match as last show, Williams had jumped Silks with super kick to the jaw while Silks was giving a speech to the fans.
It got even hotter as the match went on as both inside as well as outside the ring, there was no place these two would not fight each other. Fans scattering all over the place, trying to stay away from these two.
But then things got even worse as Williams was upset with the official Ashlan Shaw and grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the outside and dropping her with kick to the jaw. The very sight infuriated Silks and charged right at Williams throwing him over tables. Things got so bad that the match was called and Silks remained champion via disqualification.
Things only got worse for TRK as after he was done checking up on Shaw, he addressed the crowd and turned to his big brother Chuck who was there in support of his younger brother. But things quickly turned as Chuck hammered his brother leaving him laying in the ring.
Hope everyone that attended enjoyed the show and pray that everyone got home safely, until the next HWF show.

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