Photos courtesy of Neil Breneman
Recently, members of the MIfflin County Cross Country and Track teams participated in the Girls on the run programs to give back to the sport that they have grown to love. They also introduced the younger generation of female runners to their sport in hopes to promote girls athletics.
“The GOTR 4th and 5th grade program that we had at Lewistown Intermediate had 20 girls involved,” said MIfflin County XC coach Neil Breneman. “We had a great team of adult volunteer coaches that helped to make that happen: Katie Aurand, Nikki Bailey, Catie Breneman, Dee Monroe, Kristin Kauffman, and Kelly Yoder. I served as a coach as well, but mostly a site leader/coordinator.”
GOTR also has a program for middle school called “Heart and Sole”. They had 12 girls involved there which was run by volunteer adult coaches: Sue Kauffman and Lori Mowery.
Both programs were 8 weeks long, culminating in the 5K. Here are some highlights…